
As we move into a new way of working, our services have become more sort after than ever before.

Our services provide a valued resource for small, medium and large organisations, providing support, guidance and an extra pair of hands when you need them the most.

All of our services can be blended to provide a service that is unique to you and provide a valued service that is effective, sustainable and cost efficient. Take a look at our services or contact us to discuss your needs.

Competent H&S Advisory Service

Every employer is required under law to appoint at least one Competent Health and Safety Person to assist them meet their legal health and safety obligations.

This is a requirement under the Management of Health & Safety Regulations 1999. Any employer who has not done this is in breach of their statutory duty under Health and Safety Legislation and therefore becomes liable to criminal prosecution.

Our Service:

Our team will deliver to your Company a Friendly, Expert Advisory Service from highly qualified Health and Safety Professionals. Our specialist service includes:

  • A Certificate of Engagement of our external Competent Advisory Service, this being valid for one year. The certificate is provided in a pdf format so that you can include the document into your job tenders and display it in your office reception area.
  • A profile of your nominated external Competent Adviser. This being an IOSH registered health and safety practitioner. Again, this being a useful document to include within your tenders.
  • Office hours telephone help line for health and safety related issues which you may come across during your companies’ daily scope of works.
  • Provision of advisory guidance by emails relating to your health and safety questions and queries. This giving your Nominated Responsible Person step by step guidance on how to deal with and address issues within your working environment.
  • Advice and updates as Health & Safety Legislation changes.
  • Regular newsletters containing general advice and any legislation date changes where applicable.
  • Our Competent H&S Adviser Service covers your company for a full 12 months. Please Note: A maximum of 8-hours remote Consultancy time is included in this service.
  • You can add other services to this service to meet your needs.


This is a requirement of the Management of Health & Safety Regulations 1999, which states that:

Every Employer shall appoint one or more competent persons to assist them in understanding the measures they need to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon them by or under the relevant statutory provisions.

Also, as per the Management of Health & Safety Regulations 1999 –

A person shall be regarded as competent where they have sufficient training and experience or knowledge and other qualities to enable them properly to assist in the undertakings.

They provide:

  • Help/assistance (via a telephone helpline) on everyday health and safety issues which arise during the working day.
  • Advisory guidance by email or telephone relating to your raised concerns, which in turn gives you the interpretation of applicable health and safety legislation as laid down by the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974, associated Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance.
  • Advice and updates as Health & Safety Legislation changes.
  • A regular Newsletter which includes topics of interest, changes to Health & Safety Legislation, training and more.
  • Our service also covers for up to 8-hours consultancy time per annual subscription to the service.

The provision of health and safety documentation which is deemed to be provided by TDC other services.

The service covers an office hours telephone helpline and access to 24-hr Emergency Telephone helpline.

Contact Us

For more information about our Competent H&S Adviser Service, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact to discuss.


    Fixed Fee Service

    We pride ourselves on providing comprehensive, no nonsense services at an agreed fixed fee price.

    Accredited Specialist

    Consultants who are fully insured, professionally qualified Health and Safety Specialists and registered with IOSH; adhering to IOSH Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme.

    National Coverage

    We work with clients across the whole of the UK, from many diverse industry sectors.

    Money Back Guarantee

    In the unlikely event of you not achieving a safety scheme accreditation, or ISO accredited management standard by following our guidance and advice, we will give a full refund of any fees paid to us.

    Health and Safety needs



    Keep up-to-date with the latest Health and Safety information, regulations, guidance, news and useful links.

      Policy Creation Review

      This desktop service is a cost effective means of carrying out a review of your current Health and Safety Policy or creating a new Policy which is bespoke to your business, as required under the Health & Safety At Work Act 1974 for companies who employ 5 or more persons.

      This will include:

      • Your Companies Statement of Intent
      • Health & Safety Responsibilities – Company Organogram etc.
      • Health & Safety Arrangements
      • Review – of your existing Policy in line with the above as applicable


      Our Service:

      Review of Your Existing Policy

      For us to deliver this service, we will require you to forward your existing Health and Safety Policy (as outlined above), this being facilitated by email or access to a cloud-based operating system e.g. Dropbox (free version).

      On receipt of your Policy, our Consultant will review it and subsequently deliver to your designated responsible person a ‘Report of The Findings’. This then will enable your management team to act upon the findings accordingly.

      Creation of a New Policy

      Our Consultant will contact you to discuss the scope of your business undertakings and from there draft a bespoken Policy which will be compliant with the Health & Safety At Work Act 1974. On your review and approval this will then be issued to you with the inclusion of your company logo.

      Adding other services

      As part of our flexible approach to support your health and safety needs, you can add other services to this one to provide a tailored solution to meet your needs.

      For more information contact us or book an appointment with one of our safety team members.

      Contact Us

      For more information about our Policy Creation Review Service, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact to discuss.

        Risk Assessment Review

        Good Risk Assessments are vital to any business and are a legal requirement under the Health & Safety at Work Act.

        The Health & Safety at Work Act stipulates that Employers who employ 5 or more employees must carry out and record in writing Risk Assessments.

        Employers who employ less than 5 employees are still required to complete Risk Assessments but they do not need to be written, however in the event of an incident you need to be able to prove you have carried these out, and therefore our strong recommendation is that ALL risk assessments are recorded.

        Our Service:

        This review process is focussed on your existing risk assessments. On receipt of your risk’s assessments, via email or a cloud-based operating system e.g. Dropbox (free version), our Consultant will review their compliance and contents*1.

        The compliance process for risk assessments is based on the HSE’s ‘5-Steps to Risk Assessment’, outlined below:

        1.Identify the Hazards

        2.Decide who might be harmed and how

        3.Evaluate the Risks and decide on the precautions

        4.Record your findings and implement them

        5.Review and update

        Adding other services

        As part of our flexible approach to support your health and safety needs, you can add other services to this one to provide a tailored solution to meet your needs.

        For more information contact us or book an appointment with one of our safety team members.

        Contact Us

        For more information about our Risk Assessment Review Service, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact to discuss.

          *1Disclaimer: Due to the nature of this type of review process i.e. ‘Remote’, it must be noted that we (Training Development and Consultancy Ltd) cannot be held responsible for any omissions of hazard and subsequent associated control measures, which may be related to the tasks being carried out, chemical, biological, environment, etc. Therefore, the responsibility for the identification of such hazards, which we cannot be possibly aware of without visiting your place of work will be with your nominated responsible person only.

          Fire Risk Assessment Service

          The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires all Employers, Duty Holders and those who are responsible for non-domestic, industrial, commercial and residential premises to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment of their premises and thereafter review on a regular basis or sooner if circumstances change.

          Why Do You Need a Fire Risk Assessment?

          The purpose of a Fire Risk Assessment is to assess the risk of fire within the premises and subsequently identify suitable control measures which when implemented primarily ‘Protect Life’ and secondarily ‘Protect Property’.

          Therefore, it is a legal requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to have a Fire Risk Assessment which is deemed to be ‘suitable and sufficient’.

          Note: None compliance to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 may lead to employers/duty holders being served Alteration / Prohibition Notices and/or being Prosecuted.

          Our Service:

          • The allocation of one of our Fire Consultants who are fully qualified to carry out your bespoken Fire Risk Assessment. Our Consultants competencies being:
          • Technically accredited by recognised lead bodies.
            Experienced in the technique of fire risk assessment and the completion of a recognised Fire Authorities Fire Risk Assessment document.
          • Our Consultants attendance to your premises, whereby they take a systematic approach to assessing the risks presented by fire – this being assessed area by area.
          • The completion of your Fire Risk Assessment, this includes a designated section for ‘Recommended Improvement Actions/Deficiencies’ for your Management Team to act upon.
          • As required, an opportunity to discuss the findings of the completed Fire Risk Assessment with our Consultant to ensure clarity of points raised – this being via telephone at no extra cost or by agreement at your premises, the latter being chargeable at an agreed costed rate.

          Our Service Covers Small to Large Businesses – Please Feel Free to Contact Us to Discuss Your Details.


          Anyone who is deemed competent to do so with competency being measured by –

          • Technical Knowledge
          • Practical Knowledge
          • Experience

          These together being key to the development of a ‘suitable and sufficient’ Fire Risk Assessment.

          • Offices and Shops
          • Care Homes and Hospitals
          • Community Centres, places of Worship
          • Shared Accommodation
          • Pubs, Clubs and Restaurants
          • Schools and Sports Centres
          • Hotels and Hostels
          • Factories and Warehouses

          Best practice is annually or more frequently if one or more of the following occurrences take place:

          • If the premises are modified i.e. extended, altered in any way
          • Changes to work operations/practices carried out within the premises e.g. hot processes etc.
          • Changes to the use of the premises e.g. numbers attending the premises, sleeping accommodation etc.
          • Changes in the personal circumstances of employees (etc.) attending the premises i.e. if persons are/become disabled (blind/partially sighted, hard of hearing/deaf, mobility impaired)
          • In the event of the Fire Authorities intervention or other Authoritative Body
          • Legislation changes come into effect etc.

          Note: The above is not a definitive list

          Contact Us

          For more information about our Competent H&S Adviser Service, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact to discuss.

            Site & Workplace Inspections

            Manufacturing Sites

            With regards to Manufacturing sites, this helps to ensure that your site is compliant to the Health & Safety At Work Act 1974 and Substantive Regulations.

            Construction Sites

            With regards to Construction sites, this helps to ensure that your site is compliant to the Construction Design Management Regulations.

            Our Service:

            This service includes our Consultant visiting your place of work, this may be either a manufacturing site or a construction site and covers the inspection of –

            • Work Activities
            • Plant, Machinery & Equipment
            • Work Areas
            • Welfare Facilities
            • Premises

            During this inspection regime, our Consultant will be taking appropriate photographs, and notes; these are subsequently delivered to your nominated responsible person in the form of an ‘Inspection Report’, which will enable your management team to act upon the findings accordingly.

            We offer the same service for other types of workplaces e.g. offices, retail, hospitality, health and social care, etc. We also offer a site support and consultancy service, for more information, please click here.

            For more information please call us for a no obligation chat.

            Cost of Service: POA

            Our Site Inspection Service also now covers COVID-19 Workplace Inspections, please view details on our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support Service page.


            • Site/Workplace are a recognised means of helping to ensure that your work environment is being controlled in terms of work activities being undertaken, the use and condition of plant / machinery / equipment and facilities provided – this being in line with the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 and the associated Regulations.
            • Best accepted practice being that an independent inspection is carried out on a regular basis which reflects the hazards and risks posed in the work environment.
            • Inspections of this type are also quite often a requirement set by Clients/Customers to underpin their control of a shared workplace.
            • Inspections are carried out by professionally qualified Health & Safety Consultants, which ensures that the findings of the inspection are comprehensive
            • Inspections offer an independent (fresh eyes) approach which often highlights areas of concern which have been overlooked
            • The findings are documented in a comprehensive Report which your Management Team can act upon
            • Once the findings have been acted upon, you can be reasonably assured that you are compliant with the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 and the associated Regulations.
            • The findings can assist in the mitigation of future legal and civil actions and can be shared as you choose with other concerned parties to demonstrate your compliance.

            Note: Inspection Reports are classed as confidential and unless legally obligated to do so are not shared with any other parties or authoritative bodies.

            • Our professionally qualified Health & Safety Consultant coming to your workplace to carry out the inspection, this may also include an audit of your current documentation if you so wish
            • A comprehensive Report,which your Management Team can act upon
            • If required, additional advice either by Phone, Skype, Microsoft Teams (etc) regarding the findings of the inspection report

            This will depend on the size of your workplace but can typically take one day but may extend to two or three days.

            This will include time on site carrying out the inspection whereby the Consultant will need to be accompanied by your nominated representative and additional time off site writing up the Inspection Report.

            The report and its findings are only shared with your nominated person/s unless we are legally obligated to do so.

            Contact Us

            For more information about our Site & Workplace Inspections Services, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to discuss.

              PQQ (Vetting of Contractors) Service

              Companies have a legal duty under the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 and certain secondary legislation to ensure that Contractors working on their behalf meet specific health and safety criteria and are competent to carry out the task, activities and/or project.

              There are nationally recognised schemes which facilitate this such as those which are members of the SSIP scheme i.e. CHAS, SafeContractor etc.

              However, our service underpins the SSIP scheme as it is project focussed and as such helps to ensures that the tendering Contractor is suitable for engagement on a specific task / project.

              Our Service:

              The Benefits of Pre-Vetting Contractors

              Assists you in:

              • Ensuring that your Company is meeting relevant legislative requirements.
              • Helping to mitigate your Companies liabilities in the event of accidents, dangerous occurrences etc.
              • Ensuring that you have all the relevant information prior to a Contractors engagement, so that you can make a rational judgement which Contractor to engage.
              • Helping to ensure that all relevant documentation relating to the task / activities/ project is in place – prior to the commencement of work.
              • Saving you time and effort.

              Scope of Our PQQ Service

              As a guide, we carry out the following checks on your behalf and provide documented evidence of the Contractor’s suitability, such as:

              • Core Health and Safety criteria
              • Liability insurances checked – Public, Employee, Product etc
              • Management and Supervisory competencies
              • Workforce competencies checked against the scope of work to be undertaken
              • Task / Project related documentation – is available and suitable
              • Plant and equipment are appropriately tested, inspected and serviced
              • Means of communication and consultation with workforce and other contractors
              • How the Contractor vets their engaged Sub-Contractors – as applicable
              • How they maintain a safe workplace – inspections etc
              • How they will set up the work area/site and the provisions made for security/welfare etc
              • Copies of Waste Carriers and Disposal Licences – as applicable
              • Other criteria dependent on the work activities and project to be undertaken

              Contact Us

              For more information about our PQQ (Vetting Contractors) Services, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to discuss.

                This all facilitated by our Team of experienced Assessors. 

                As an additional service once a Contractor has been selected and engaged please see our ‘Site & Workplace Inspection Page’ as this service facilitates further control of Contractors.

                Call our Team on 0333 050 4870 for a no obligation discussion of your requirements.

                Site Support and Consultancy Service

                This Consultancy service is designed to assist your Management Team’s control of Health & Safety, at your main place of work or during your site-based project work, as applicable to your business.

                The service being a cost-effective way of ensuring that your Management Team receives up to date expert guidance and advice from Qualified, Professional, and Friendly Health & Safety Consultants without employing a Health & Safety Practitioner full time or whilst you recruit a vacated position.

                Our Service:

                The scope of this service is dependent on your business requirements but examples of how our Consultants can be of assistance includes:

                • Review or Development of your current/new Health & Safety Systems
                • Review or Development of Health & Safety Policies
                • Review and Writing of Risk Assessments, these may include the following types:
                  • Site/General
                  • Plant & Equipment
                  • Task
                  • COSHH
                  • Manual Handling
                  • Display Screen Equipment
                  • Fire, to name a few
                • Carrying out Workplace/Site Audit & Inspections
                • Review of Plant/Equipment Maintenance Regimes
                • Development of Site Surveys i.e. Legionella, Asbestos
                • Review and Writing of Safe System of Work, which may include:
                  • Permit to Work
                  • Isolation Procedures
                  • Method Statements
                  • Standard Operating Procedures/Task
                • Drafting and delivery of Safety Briefs/Tool Box Talks
                • Review of Employee Training controls and requirements
                • Development of Workplace/Site Emergency Procedures
                • Accident & Near Miss Investigations
                • Completion of PQQ’s and Contractor Vetting
                • Involvement in Health & Safety Committee Meetings

                This service being delivered by our Qualified, Professional and Friendly Health & Safety Consultants at a frequency which best suits your business needs – this may be from one day per month to one day per week or more frequently.

                Note: Depending on the frequency of our engagement, this service includes our External Competent Health & Safety Adviser Service at no extra charge – please see our External Competent Health & Safety Adviser web page for full details of this service.

                For more information or to discuss your Company’s requirements in more detail, please contact our Team on 0333 050 4870.

                In addition, we also offer a Site and Workplace Inspections service carried out by one of our professionally qualified Health & Safety Consultants. For more information, please click here.

                Contact Us

                For more information about our Site Support & Consultancy Services, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to discuss.

                  CDM Advisory Service

                  As from the 6th of April 2015 the CDM Regulations changed and the CDM 2015 Regulations came in to effect.

                  These changes include:

                  • The criteria in which the HSE need to be notified of Construction projects.
                  • Role changes, the main change here being the replacement of the CDMC role with the new position of Principal Designer.
                  • Changes in Duty Holder responsibilities.

                  It is a legal requirement for all construction projects to meet the requirements of the Construction Design Management Regulations 2015 and if the project falls into the ‘Notifiable’ category, then you need to appoint a Principal Designer.

                  • We can offer a supportive service, this being focussed on assisting the Duty Holders, this includes:
                    • The drafting of the Pre-Construction Informationdocument – for review and approval
                    • The drafting of the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan– for review and approval
                    • Submission and update of the HSE Notification (F10)– as applicable to the project
                    • Site Audit and Inspections
                    • Advise on the requirements for the project Health & Safety File

                    The Principal Designer may be:

                    • An Individual, or
                    • A Corporate Body

                    Please note that the appointed Principal Designer needs to have appropriate design qualification and competencies, therefore we cannot fulfil this role.

                  Contact Us

                  For more information about our CDM Advisory Services, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to discuss.

                    Health & Safety Management System Service

                    Our Consultants have a reputation for being friendly and professional and this with their wide knowledge of different industries helps to ensure that the Health & Safety Systems and Procedures delivered meet both your expectations and current Health & Safety Legislation.

                    The service is delivered by our Consultant(s) visiting your site to make an initial assessment of your needs and thereafter further site attendance as required, this along with desktop work ensures that the delivered Health & Safety Management System meets your bespoke requirements and is in line with the Health & Safety Executive’s HSG65 (Managing for Health & Safety) and aligned to ISO 45001.

                    The Service includes the provision*1 of

                    • Health & Safety Policy –
                      • Statement of Intent
                      • Organisation (Company Organogram and Responsibilities)
                      • Arrangements, such as Site Welfare, First Aid etc
                    • Health & Safety Manual
                    • Risk Assessments –
                      • Site Risk Assessments – traffic management, welfare, first aid etc
                      • Plant & Equipment Risk Assessments
                      • COSHH Assessments
                      • Manual Handling Risk Assessments
                      • Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment
                    • Safe Systems of Work
                    • Plant & Equipment Pre-Use Inspections
                    • Maintenance – controls and documentation
                    • Safety Inspection
                    • Plant & Equipment Pre-Use Inspections
                    • Maintenance – controls and documentation
                    • Safety Inspection
                    • Employee Training
                    • Tool Box Talks
                    • Accident & Near Miss Reporting
                    • Employee Health Screening Questionnaires
                    • Site Emergency & Evacuation Procedures
                    • H&S Committee documentation
                    • Contractor Vetting System
                    • And other tools as per your company’s requirements.

                    1Note:The exact contents of the system provided will be dependent on your scope of business and may differ from the above outline.

                    On completion of the scope of work the bespoken Health & Safety Systems and Procedures will be delivered to as an online access point (Dropbox) or as per your preference on a ‘Memory Stick’, this then facilitates your Management Teams adoption of the systems and use.

                    Call our Consultants for a no obligation discussion of your requirements on 0333 050 4870.

                    Contact Us

                    For more information about our Health and Safety Management Systems Services, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to discuss.

                      COVID-19 Support Service

                      This service is offered to assist Companies who are currently carrying out essential work or are endeavouring to mobilise their workforce to resume operations and wish to ensure that their procedures and control measures are as robust as is possible.

                      We endeavour to cover most industries with this service such as:

                      • Manufacturing Facilities
                      • Construction
                      • Warehousing & Storage
                      • Offices
                      • Educational Facilities
                      • Transport
                      • Agricultural
                      • Food, Retail and Hospitality

                      Our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support Service includes:

                      • Review of your current Coronavirus (COVID-19) documentation– this being a desktop review facilitated by you sharing your documentation via email or by a secured cloud sharing application like Dropbox.
                      • OR
                      • Our provision of draft Coronavirus (COVID-19) documentation, such as
                        • Coronavirus Policy
                        • Home Working Policy
                        • Coronavirus Risk Assessment (as applicable) –
                        • Manufacturing/Construction
                        • Construction Site
                        • Domestic Premises Work
                        • Home working
                        • Etc.
                      • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Toolbox Talks –
                        • General
                        • Cleaning in a Non-Healthcare Setting (for bodily fluids etc)

                      Contact Us

                      For more information about our Covid19 Support Services, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to discuss.

                        FREE COVID-19 Business Continuity Self-Assessment

                        This ‘free‘ download enables you to self-assess your Business’s procedures and documentation in terms of their robust nature when carrying out essential work or prior to resuming operations.

                        You may find that on completing the self-assessment, your current procedures and documentation have shortfalls, we may be able to assist you – please feel free to give us a call for a no obligation Chat.

                        Simply enter your name and a valid email address below and the Free Coronavirus (Covid-19) Business Continuity Self-Assessment form will be automatically emailed to you. Please Note: Your details will not be shared or passed on to any other third party company and is solely for our use.

                          • COVID-19 Site/Workplace Inspection, this being focussed on your workplace in terms of being ‘COVID Secure’ and as such assessing your current Coronavirus (COVID-19) control measures; the findings being delivered to you in a subsequent report which your Management Team can then act upon.
                          • Newsletterscovering Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments as well as a wide range of Health and Safety topics as they occur, this helping you to keep informed on the latest developments – this service for a period of one year on the engagement of our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support Service.

                          For additional Support Services, please view our Competent H&S Adviser Service.

                          We also offer Site & Workplace Inspections, for more information please view our Site & Workplace Inspections service page.

                          Confined Space Support Service

                          Regulation 5 of the Confined Space Regulations 1997 requires that no one should enter or work in a confined space unless there are emergency arrangements in place that are appropriate for the level of risk involved in the task/space. These should include making provision for extracting workers from the confined space and making provision for first-aid equipment (including resuscitation equipment) where the need can be foreseen..

                          The service is delivered by our Consultant(s) visiting your site to make an initial assessment of your needs and thereafter further site attendance as required, this along with desktop work ensures that the delivered Health & Safety Management System meets your bespoke requirements and is in line with the Health & Safety Executive’s HSG65 (Managing for Health & Safety) and aligned to ISO 45001.

                          The service is delivered by our qualified specialist team who would visit your site to make an initial assessment of your needs and thereafter further site attendance as required, this along with desktop work ensures that the delivered Health & Safety arrangements including emergency arrangements meet your bespoke requirements and are in line with the Confined Space Regulations, local requirements and best practice.

                          The Service includes the provision of

                          • Confined Space risk assessment and method statement–
                            • An assessment of the common and specific hazards associated to confined space work
                            • Organisation (Team Organogram and Responsibilities)
                            • Arrangements, such as safe working in a confined space, emergency arrangements, First Aid arrangements, etc.
                          • Health & Safety team brief
                          • Supply of Plant & Equipment
                          • Pre-User Inspections
                          • Maintenance – controls and documentation
                          • Safety Inspection
                          • Employee Training and inspection of records
                          • Tool Box Talks
                          • Accident & Near Miss Reporting
                          • Employee Health Screening Questionnaires
                          • Site management of confined space project or emergency support only
                          • Site Emergency & Evacuation Procedures
                          • Contractor Vetting System
                          • And other tools as per your company’s requirements.

                          Call our Consultants for a no obligation discussion of your requirements on 0333 050 4870.

                          Contact Us

                          For more information about our Confined Space Support Services, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to discuss.

                            Development of Training Materials Service

                            What could be better than qualified Health and Safety Professionals developing quality, factual, and interesting learning programmes for your team?

                            This service is delivered by qualified trainers/assessors who are also certified safety practitioners. We would visit your site to make an initial assessment of your needs, scope out your requirements and delivery methods and provide a detailed training plan to achieve your bespoke requirements ensuring high quality resources, for instructor led, blended and online delivery.

                            We also provide pre-written learning programmes that we can customise quickly, providing you with a cost effective solution, saving you time and money in development, giving you high quality learning resources mapped to the national occupational standards.

                            The Service includes the provision of

                            • Confined Space Safety
                            • General Health & Safety
                            • Fire Safety
                            • Manual Handling
                            • Safety for Supervisors
                            • Safety Inspection
                            • Carry out Audits
                            • Tool Box Talks
                            • Accident & Near Miss Reporting
                            • COSHH
                            • Contractor Management
                            • Asbestos
                            • And many more…
                            • Bespoke solution for blended and online learning
                            • And other learning tools and resources as per your company’s requirements.

                            Please note that this is not a definitive list, but a small reflection of what we can offer.

                            Call our Team for a no obligation discussion of your requirements on 0333 050 4870.

                            Contact Us

                            For more information about our Development of Training Materials Services, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to discuss.